Zeit.shift makes the Austrian news ๐Ÿ“บ

Posted on March 8, 2022 by Eurac Research ‐  1 min read

We're proud to share that ORF.at, the Austrian national public service broadcaster, has featured Zeit.shift...

We’re proud to share that ORF.AT, the Austrian national public service broadcaster, has featured Zeit.shift in both a TV and a radio interview! In these interviews, Johanna Walcher and Maritta Horwath provide an overview of the project and illustrate how citizens can get involved.

Watch the TV interview here: tvthek.orf.at

Listen to the radio interview here: radiothek.orf.at


When you're done, join us and other citizens on Historypin to help locate and tag historical trade in Tyrol!

orf.at screenshot
Screenshot of the ORF.AT Zeit.shift broadcast.
Photo by Stadt Schwaz
Zeit.shift's citizen science activity projected onto a monitor at Stadtarchiv Schwaz. Photo by Stadt Schwaz.
Photo by Stadt Schwaz
Zeit.shift team members at work. Photo by Stadt Schwaz.