Say hello to Zeit.shift 👋

Posted on October 11, 2021 by Eurac Research ‐  1 min read

Introducing Zeit.shift: Historical newspapers and citizen science! Zeit.shift is devoted to the...

Zeit.shift is our new citizen science project devoted to the preservation, development and communication of the culture and textual heritage of Tyrol!

Newspaper image
Extract from an advertisement published in Tiroler Grenzbote on 11th August 1923.

Zeit.shift is a cross-border cooperation between the Dr. Friedrich Teßmann Library (Bolzano, Italy), the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol (Innsbruck, Austria) and Eurac Research (Bolzano, Italy) focussing on historical Tyrolean newspapers written in German and mostly Fraktur script published between 1850 and 1950.

Currently, these newspapers are scattered across Tyrol and are only partially digitised. Zeit.shift is digitising some additional 500,000 pages' worth of historical newspapers housed in the Friedrich Teßmann and Innsbruck University libraries with the aim of gathering these in a single, freely accessible web platform.

To make this digitised data more searchable, usable and engaging by the general public, we are turning to you, the citizens, for help, ideas and knowledge! To this end, we are developing games and activities to collect data from you and to help you explore and learn from the collections in engaging and fun ways.

Can you read German and Fraktur script? Wunderbar! 🤩 Then help us make historical Tyrolean newspapers more searchable and usable!

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